Above Photo - LOVE, FAITH, HOPE
Donated by Pixaic to BWUFA
Donated by Pixaic to BWUFA

Please join us
BWUFA'S Annual Mount Vernon Slave Memorial
Wreath Laying Ceremony
Saturday, October 4, 2025; at 11:00 a.m.
George Washington's Mount Vernon.
3200 Mount Vernon Highway, Mount Vernon
Alexandria, VA 2212
For more information contact BWUFA at 703-477-4793 or visit Eventbrite at:
Black Women United for Action (BWUFA) is a diverse, volunteer, non-profit community service organization whose mission is to advocate the concerns of women and improve the lives of impoverished, vulnerable families through a self-sufficiency/empowerment approach.
By utilizing combined talents, BWUFA seeks to provide a variety of community programs and support services through a grassroots "hands-on" method to create positive change. We appreciate all donations to help with our programs and events.
By utilizing combined talents, BWUFA seeks to provide a variety of community programs and support services through a grassroots "hands-on" method to create positive change. We appreciate all donations to help with our programs and events.